Hume and Hovell Trail - Day 1

The Captain's Campsite to Reflections Resort Lake Burrinjuck

The Captains Campsite is a couple of acres carved out from a farm with a water tank, shelter and long drop toilet. On this trip we parked David’s car there and headed off.

The track started with a couple of kilometeres of poorly maintained fire trail,  Black Range Road, and then we turned onto the paved Burrinjuck Dam road for approximately 5kms before turning left onto the Waterview Road and soon entered the Burrinjuck Nature Reserve.

Walking through the Burrinjuck Nature Reserve was lovely open bush and fire trail walking until we approached the shores of Lake Burrinjuck at which stage we turned onto a walking trail that followed the foreshore of the Lake until we reached Burrinjuck Reflection Waters Resort, a caravan park and our home for the evening.

Day 1 - Track

Day 1 - Hill Profile

The high point on the graph looks steep, but on the ground is a relatively easy wander up to a saddle in the nature reserve. From their on the track headed down towards Lake Burrinjuck. We did 24kms in 5 hours so we were moving fairly quickly and towards the end we were glad to see the campground. Walking along the trail adjacent to the waterfront was pretty, but also tiring.
