Hume and Hovell Trail - Day 2

Reflections Resort Lake Burrinjuck to Fitzpatrick Trackhead

Day 2 was always going to be pretty easy. Day 2’s walking was sandwiched between the boat ride and the climb of Mt Wee Jasper.

The day started with a 5.5km boat ride from Burrinjuck Reflections Resort (where we had camped) and Cathedral Rock further south down the Burrinjuck Dam.

Interestingly, I couldn’t find Cathedral Rock on the map.  Our boat captain informed us that Cathedral Rock is more of a boating hazard than a landmark as it is submerged when the dam is full.

Once on land we had a very easy walk to Fitzpatrick Trackhead, with little in the way of hills. The last 10kms were on bitumen. Walking on bitumen is hard on your feet and a bit boring but is also pretty easy. Paul’s feet suffered a bit from the bitumen and required taping at night. My feet were also a bit sore and looking forward to hitting the bush. This was our last bitumen road for the rest of the walk.

Day 2 - Boat Ride

Day 2 - Track

Day 2 - Hill Profile

As you can tell from the hill profile, there were no heroic climbs or descents on this day. The road was undulating gently and the heat rather than the hills was slowing our progress.
