Hume and Hovell Trail - Day 3

Fiztpatrick Trackhead to Log Brdge Creek Campsite

Today was all about getting over Mt Wee Jasper. Mt Wee Jasper has its summit at 1,120 metres and our track was going right over the top.

Normally buhwalkers are a lazy bunch and tracks only go over the top of a mountain if there is a worthwhile view. In the case of Mount Wee Jasper the view is blocked by the trees and really there is little point in going to the top, other than that is where the path led us.

We started at 390 m so we needed to ascend 731 m to the mountain top, not a huge climb, but we did have full packs and it was a hot day. The track up was well designed and ran up a creek for a lot of its length. The path was quite pretty and not too steep so we summitted by 11:30am. From the summit it was a mostly a downhill walk to our next campsite 5 kms away.

Day 3 - Track

Day 2 - Hill Profile

Today’s hill profile was dominatedĀ  by the climb of Mt Wee Jasper.Ā  Having descended from Mt Wee Japser the next two days were spent in the high country and Mt Wee Jasper was not the highest point of our trip, that honour went to Mt Nemo, which we sidled at 1,190 metres.
