Hume and Hovell Trail - Day 4

Log Bridge Creek Campsite - Barrios (Bossawa) Campsite


Today was quite varied. It included a number of different features and tracks from native forest to pine plationtation. Part of the track were very overgrown with non-native blackberries, which was a bit sad to see. Other parts of the track were quite open with good visibility through the seemingly untouched native forest.

We also encountered a team of three who roam the track doing track maintenance. It was a hiot day and they were in full protetctive clothing using their brush cutters to clear the track and the camp ground. As a reult of their efforts the next couple of kms of our walk was grass lined.

Our destination for the evening used to be known as Bossawa Campsite, named afetr Calude Bossawa one of Hume and Hovell’s party. It seems that they have subsequently discovered that his real surname was Barrios not Bossawa.

Day 4 - Track

Day 4 - Hill Profile

The hill profile here is dominated by three 100m plus climbs. The first was a climb from our campsite down a creek to the top of the plateau.  The second climb is coming out of the valley that hold Pompey’s Pillar and the 3rd, more gradual climb took us along Micalong Creek to Barrios Campsite which was to be our home of the night.
